Sunday, November 22, 2009

FishVille Leveling Guide

So far, FishVille is a very simple Facebook game. Here are the basics:

1. Level up by acquiring experience points. You can earn experience points by selling fish, buying eggs, and buying plants / decor for your tank.

2. When you first place a fish egg, it will hatch into a baby. You can not sell baby fish. After a certain amount of time (listed as "grows in" in the store interface), it will grow into a junior fish.

3. Junior fish level up one level at a time, from 1 to 4, every time the "grows in" timer is reached. As a junior fish, each level increase results in the fish becoming more valuable in terms of experience points and coins.

4. Once a fish hits level 4, it becomes an adult. At this point, its grow time increases significantly and no longer increases in value (both experience points and coins).

5. You can own multiple tanks in FishVille. You can buy a new tank every 10 levels. You can buy tanks early if you purchase some FishVille dollars, which you can alternately buy at any level for 20 FishVille dollars.

6. As you level up with your tank, it will increase in size. Your tank will grow in capacity from 15 to 30 fish, then 30 to 50 fish. Fifty fish per tank is the maximum.

7. For fish marked "fast", let them grow to level 4 before you sell them. For fish that are not marked fast, you can sell them right after they level up, as you will get a nice bit of experience points for buying the new eggs. Just make sure they are not more than 20% into the next level, as at that point it would be more beneficial to let them level up again before selling them.

Power Leveling Guide

Levels 1-10:

First off, even though it's not very exciting to have nothing to look forward to, know that the Mini-Dart Gobi (the first fish you get access to) provides by far the most amount of experience points per time spent in your tank(s), and it also provides a very high level of coins (shares with the sardine the top spots for most profitable fish).

If you are interested in attaining a high level relatively quickly, I would recommend racing to level 10 with Mini-Dart Gobis. This will give you a 65 fish capacity (50 from your first tank, 15 from your new expansion) and can be done in a just a few hours.

Once you hit 10, make sure you buy a new tank.

Levels 11-end:

If you want to be very active in your tank (like if you work on the computer), make the switch to Red Spot Cardinal. These only provide about 2/3 of the experience points of the Mini Dart Gobi, but they only need to be fed once every 30 minutes, so you can at least do other things on the computer at the same time.

If, like me, you can not be at the computer 24/7, here are some options:

The Blue Green Chromis needs to be fed every 6 hours and still pays out a lot of XP/time spent growing (16 xp per hour). This is the same as the Swissguard Basslet (needs to be fed every 2 hours) and more than the Pajama Cardinal (needs to be fed every 4 hours). The Blue Green Chromis also pays out more than any fish that needs to be fed less frequently.

The Percula Clownfish only need to be fed every 16 hours and pays out 13.5 xp per hour, which is not much less than the Blue Green Chromis.

The Hawaiian Hogfish pays out 12 XP per hour and only needs to be fed once every 2 days.

The options are up to you. If you can check your tank a few times per day, use the blue Green Chromis during the day and the Percula Clownfish by night.

If you can only check your tank twice a day, use the Percula Clownfish.

If you can only check your tank once every day or so, use the Hawaiian Hogfish.

The guide is pretty short at this point because there is not much to the game past this point. If you want to level up quickly, expand your tanks as soon as possible, and make sure your fish never spend any time at the adult stage (or die from not being fed).
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  1. The best way to actually level up, is to get as many tanks as possible and upgrade each one to hold 50 fish. Then, you fill each tank with Scooter Blenny which you only have to feed once daily. After 4 days of feeding the fish, when they reach level 4 sell them,gaining 1044 xp points for EACH one equaling out to be at least 50,000 xp points per tank that is at its full capacity.

  2. How is that the best way? No one's arguing that you should get new tanks and upgrade them as soon as possible. However, if you sold those sa you could sell them daily, and get about 10% more xp and level up 10% faster. If you raised Mini Dart Gobis you could get those 50,000 XP in 10 hours rather than 4 days (if you had the mind to do all that clicking).
